How it Helps.

Want to Know if Mum or Dad is OK at home?

Did you know that residential care costs, on average, over £4000 a month!

Whether you’re worried about mum or dad falling, or just want to know each day that they’re up and going about their normal routine, AVERio has a solution for you from just £30 per month.

With the use of discreet sensors placed around the home, you can securely monitor the wellbeing of your elderly loved one living alone.

You get the peace of mind you deserve while maintaining their independence.

How it Works.

1. Discreet Sensors

Temperature Sensor
According to your particular concerns or risks, sensors are chosen and placed around the home.
Most sensors are battery powered and can easily be affixed in place using supplied Command™ Strips in less than a minute.

With over 30 years experience in Adult Health & Social Care, our expert team is on-hand to guide you through the process to help you choose the most appropriate sensor combination.

2. AVERio Hub

AVERio Hub
The AVERio hub provides 24/7 protection - constantly checking that your loved one is OK using discreet sensors placed around the home.

Set daily reassurance messages to let you know your loved one is up and going about their normal routine.

Ready to Start Protecting Your Loved One?

3. Real-time Alerts

AVERio App
Daily reassurance messages and real time alerts are sent directly to you via our free iOS and Android app.

Get the peace of mind you deserve, safe in the knowledge that you'll be alerted if something unexpected happens, such as a fall taking place.

Instead of calling daily to check-in and nag; use the time to reconnect and talk about the things that really matter to you both.

Their Privacy. Taken Care Of.

No Cameras. No Microphones.

Their Privacy Matters.

As well as keeping your loved one safe physically, we also protect their data and privacy. There are no microphones or cameras in any of our sensors, so you can rest assured no-one is watching or listening in.

All data sent from the AVERio hub to our secure platform is anonymised with no personally identifiable information in transit. 

Many Concerns. One Solution.

No matter your particular concern, AVERio has a solution to help keep your loved one safe and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.

What are you most concerned about?

What it Can Do.

We understand that choosing the right combination of sensors can be a little daunting. Our expert team is on-hand from 8am to 10pm 7 days a week via live chat to help guide you through the process, but we’ve also compiled a comprehensive list of the main benefits of having an AVERio system in the home of your loved one:


Real Time Alerting

With AVERio's real time alerting enabled, push notification messages are sent directly to your device via our dedicated Alerts app, available for Android and iOS. 

The AVERio Alerts app provides you with peace of mind knowing that if something unexpected happens, you'll be notified immediately. 

Ready? Configure your kit here.


Rapid Fall Detection

Our fall detection technology works without wearables, without the need for buttons and without cameras or microphones

The sensor constantly assesses the room using mmWave technology to determine if a person is present and if they are, whether they're in a standing position or are on the floor, having fallen. It works even in total darkness.

Ready? Configure your kit here.


Daily Reassurance Messages

With AVERio's daily reassurance messages, you can receive a notification when your loved one makes their first brew of the day, or switches on the TV downstairs. Whatever their routine, we have a solution for you.

This provides you with peace of mind that they're up and going about their normal routine and means you can spend more time talking about the things that are important to you both, rather than having nagging check-in calls.

Ready? Configure your kit here.

Empty Bed

Out of Bed Alerting

A common concern is when your loved one gets out of bed in the night. The combination of darkness and possible confusion having just woken results in a large number of falls taking place on the way to the bathroom.

AVERio can alert you when your loved one gets out of bed or, if regular toilet trips in the night are normal, AVERio can send you an alert if they've not returned to bed within a set amount of time.

Ready? Configure your kit here.

Cold Person

Cold Room Alerting

Whether it's through forgetfulness, or due to concerns of rising energy costs, cold rooms and hypothermia are a real concern, particularly in winter months. 

With AVERio's cold room alerting, you can rest easy knowing that you'll get a notification if a room temperature drops below the temperature you set.

You can even set different thresholds for daytime and nighttime. 

Ready? Configure your kit here.


Bathroom Alerting

Due to the nature of showers, baths and sinks splashing, bathrooms can be a high risk falls area. Fall sensors are often not suitable for bathroom installation, since they require a power supply. 

AVERio uses a combination of motion sensors placed both inside and outside the bathroom to alert you if your loved one doesn't come out of the bathroom within a set amount of time you define. 

This can help identify if someone has fallen, or requires assistance. 

Ready? Configure your kit here.

Our Experience.

Over 30 years Experience.

When it comes to your loved one, you want to ensure you’re in safe hands. 

Our team has over 30 years experience delivering digital systems to the adult health and social care sector. We understand that technology is best used alongside hands-on care to provide the best possible outcomes to individuals receiving care and support. 

We’ve worked with some big names in the health and social care space:



Our name consists of two parts:
AVER: Which is derived from latin with the meaning of “confirm as true”. Truth is a cornerstone in our approach to how we conduct business. 

io: We’re a tech business, and “io” is a common term relating to technology within our industry. 

So how do I say AVERio? 
We’ve heard people say all sorts! But the correct way of saying AVERio can be described below…or you can watch one of our videos to hear the correct way to say the name.

AVERio is pronounced as:

AVERio works by automatically collecting data from sensors placed around the home. How many, and the type of sensors used will be unique to your specific needs or concerns. 

Sensors send data to the AVERio hub which connects to the existing internet router in the home (4G options are available if no internet is available at the property). 

Alerts & Daily Reassurance Messages are configured and sent to your mobile device automatically if triggered/if alerting criteria is met. 

You can access AVERio via our web application, and access alerts via our free Android & iOS app.

Our fall detection technology works without wearables, without the need for buttons and without cameras or microphones

mmWave Radar Technology
Fall detection sensors are usually mounted in the corner of a room (just stick them up with the supplied adhesive pads). 

The sensor constantly assesses the room using mmWave technology to determine if a person is present and if they are, whether they’re in a standing position or are on the floor, having fallen. 

The technology itself has been around for many years and it’s a similar system to what you’d find in your car if it has adaptive cruise control. 

We have a variety of different sensors available, and we’re always adding new options to our offering.

The honest answer is: it depends

We don’t believe in providing “packs” of sensors. Instead, it’s important to tailor the sensors to your specific concerns or risks. Our “Your Concerns. One Solution” section helps explain how each sensor type can help, based on some common concerns, but we recommend connecting with one of our experts via live chat, who’ll be able to recommend what you might require.

Each sensor has 1 or more alerts. We currently have over 40 different alerting options. However, when speaking with one of our experienced team, we will recommend the most appropriate sensors (and therefore alerts) for your specific needs. 

Our most common alerts include:
– Rapid fall detection alerting
– An alert if a person gets out of bed at night
– An alert if a person doesn’t return to bed at night
– An alert if the front door is opened

Alerts are delivered as Push Notifications via our free Android and iOS app.

Read our full FAQs section here.

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